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Grease Trap Cleaning & Transporting

Grease Trap Cleaning & Transporting

services details

Grease traps in particular are important to keep functioning, especially if you run a restaurant or a business that requires heavy use of the kitchen. A grease trap will contain animal fats and vegetable oils in kitchen wastewater that flow through your plumbing system before they reach sanitary sewer lines. If grease is allowed to build up too heavily, your lines will become clogged and backed up – not a pretty sight or smell! And it's certainly not good for business, since your kitchen cannot function without properly flowing lines.

Magic Touch can dependably and professionally vacuum, pump and haul the liquid waste and sludge from a number of liquid waste receptacles, including the following:

  • Grease traps
  • Septic tanks
  • Sand pits
  • Catch basins
  • Car wash sumps
